I’ve been updating my catalog on Amazon and DriveThru. Our Super Mom 2 and 3 will soon be available, as will my new Anthony Fox book. While I was at it, I streamlined the website. I’m not done yet, but it’s progressed a lot.

I’m going to simplify the members section. I’m going to add an etsy store for the corgi keychains and lanyards I sell at shows. I’ve removed my online store and left only Amazon links up. Amazon handles shipping cheaper than I can, and often has the books cheaper than I sold them for, so Amazon it is.

All my books are available as PDFs on DriveThru Comics, DriveThruFiction, but they aren’t simple to install on a Kindle. The files for Kindle are the same as DriveThru, and the same price. So I’ll just leave Amazon as the only link.

All of my comics except Delta Dawn are on Comixology. I had started to add them to Tapas and Webcomics as well. I’ll be filling in those holes after I fulfill the fox kickstarter.